Light Duty Self Pump Out Kit 240V
Product Information:
A 240v electric LeeSan self pump out kit for discharging to Sanitary Stations, Quayside Sewage Tanks or direct to Foul Sewer.
Light duty electric pump kit allowing owners to economically pump out their own boats holding
tank quickly and easily. Also very useful where no commercial facilities are available.
Dimensions (Pump Box)
Height 440mm
Width 570mm
Depth 290mm
Voltage 240ACV
Ampage 10 A
Inlet / Outlet Hoses 38mm
Max Horizontal Pipe
Max Suction Lift 3m
Max Discharge Head 3m
Max. Dis’ge head & Suction Lift 3m
Flow Rate 16.5 Ltrs / Min
Weight 12Kg
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Product Code: 08447
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